Gazprom Neft-Vostok reports on the results of 2015

​In 2015 the consolidated extraction of Gazprom Neft-Vostok made up 1.79 mln tons of oil equivalent. The growth of hydrocarbons extraction was due to the successful realization of a complex of geological-technical measures that provided the additional extraction of over 275 thousand tons of oil.

In total in 2015 the enterprise held 73 geological-technical measures.

In 2015, 47 new wells were put into operation at the assets of Gazprom Neft-Vostok; 39 wells were drilled, 8 of which are horizontal and 71 layer hydrofracturing operations were held.

In 2015 we managed to save a positive dynamics of hydrocarbons extraction and pay particular attention to new deposits, implementation of new technologies of working with scavenger reserves, increase of ecological safety.

The plan for 2016 is to complete the construction of a few large infrastructure objects, put into operation the Smolyanoy deposit, approbation of multihole drilling and multi-stage acid layer hydrofracturing at carbonate reservoirs. I am sure the realization of these measures will prove our intention to be the leader among the enterprises –subsoil users of the Tomsk region, CEO of Gazprom Neft-Vostok, V. Misnik, said.

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