“Druza” plans to extract 1.1 tons of gold in 2016

​“Druza” Ltd plans to extract 1.095 tons of gold at the deposits in the Bodaybinsky district of the Irkutsk region, which is by 1.5% higher than in 2015, chief geologist of “Druza”, A. Shvorob, said.

The plan for the Nevsky for 2016 is 700 kg (hardrock gold), for the Bolshoi Dogaldyn – 150 kg, for Chayangro – 245 kg, he said.

Stripping works have been held by 40% at the Bolshoi Dogaldyn and Chayangro placer gold deposits. The flushing will start in May and the season will be over in late October. The extraction is held at the Nevsky all year round, in Q1 the extraction made up 220 kg there.

On the results of 2015 “Druza” extracted 1.079 tons of gold in the Bodaybinsky district in the Irkutsk region, including 728 kg at the Nevsky deposit, 131.3 kg at the Bolshoi Dogaldyn site, 220 kg at Chayangro.

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