Antipinsky refinery to reach unique leve for Russia of processing depth of 97%

From June 1, 2016, Antipinsky refinery began commissioning works on installation of a tar delayed coking unit – the second section of the installation of fuel oil deep processing (UGPM).

On June 25-26, during the active phase of the commissioning works the first coke was received.

After completing a full cycle of the commissioning works and launch of the facility the first of independent Russian oil refineries will reach unique in the oil refining industry refining depth level of 97%. 

The launch of UGPM will allow the Antipinsky refinery - the only industrial refinery in the Tyumen region and the Urals Federal District - not only to reach the unique processing depth in Russia of 97%, but also to increase the yield of diesel fuel to 50% of the total volume of the processing.

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