Rimera sums up sales of trunking equipment in 2012

For 12 months of the last year, plants SOT and MSA, parts of the Rimera Group, increased their dispatches by more than 13% as compared to 2011.

The main volume of connecting pieces dispatches was provided by bends for hot and cold bending, and pipe spools. SOT dispatched over 8 000 tons of the products to key clients of Rimera – Gazprom and Transneft. At the same time, the supplies to Transneft increased more than 2 times as compared to 2011 and made up 1 776 tons. The growth is connected to the implementation of the first stage of the large project Zapolyarie - oil pumping station of Purpe, as well as won lots for the delivery of products. The dispatch of bends for the project Bovanenkovo-Ukhta and pipe spools for compressor stations Sosnogorsk and Novoprivodnensk was carried out for Gazprom in 2012.

On results of the year, the MSA a.s.’s dispatch volumes grew by 24.9% as compared to 2011. The main part of the dispatched products was stabbing valves (86.4%). The largest dispatches were carried out to Gazprom, South-Korean Korea Gas Corporation for the DAE-GU project, SEO-JONG&ETC.STATIONS, as well as to D.E.F.T. Polska for the OGP Gaz System project.


-          Enterprises of the sector “Trunking equipment” showed the expected positive results. In spite of insignificant decrease of the market volume, we managed to fulfill the plan of products sale to consumers and increased the sale volume by more than 13% as compared to 2011. The synergy with the pipe division is due in no small part to this – our customers could feel the efficiency of comprehensive approach, - the Sales Director of the Rimera’s commercial management of the main equipment Mikhail Zhamkov commented on results of the year.


In the first quarter of 2013, the supplies of over 1 500 tons of SOT’s products are expected - for repair and operational needs of the Fuel & Energy Sector and the  implementation of pipeline projects, as the main gas pipeline Bovanenkovo-Ukhta-2, the second stage of the pipeline system Zapolyarie - oil pumping station of Purpe, condensate pipeline Pelyatkinsky gas condensate field - Dudinka and others. In January of 2013, MSA a.s. will supply reinforcement to Gazprom and Novatek.



Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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