Gazprom invests 19.5 bln roubles in continuation of construction of operational wells at Kirinsky deposit

​Gazprom’s head, A. Miller, discussed with the Governor of the Sakhalin region, O. ozhemyako, the details of cooperation between the company and the region.

Sakhalin is a strategic region of activity for Gazprom.

Gazprom develops a large center of gas extraction at the shelf of the peninsula.

Gas is pumped to the consumers of the Sakhalin region as well as by the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas transport system, consumer in the Khabarovsk and Primorie regions.

In 2010-2015 Gazprom invested over 260 bln roubles into the construction of objects of gas extraction and pumping in the region.

The funds were spent in particular for the development and putting into operation of the Kirinsky deposit.

This is the first deposit at the shelf of Russia where the extraction is held with the help of the underwater extraction complex, without the use of platforms and other constructions operated above the water.

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