Gazprom reduces gas production in spite of record sales to Europe

In 2016, indicators of Gazprom can update two records. On the one hand, according to unofficial estimates, the company’s production, which fell by 4% in the first half of the year, could decrease to a historical low of 385 billion cubic meters, on the other one - this year Gazprom can break the record for the export of gas to the far abroad. Analysts say that on the domestic market Gazprom is jostled by independent producers, but due to the ruble devaluation the gas export remains highly profitable, even at current prices.

In June 2016, the Gazprom’s production may reach 24.6 billion cubic meters, the Interfax reports, referring to a source in the company. That level is by 4% less than in June 2015 (25.63 billion cubic meters). Thus, in the first six months, the production was 196.1 billion cubic meters, decreased by 4.5% compared to the first six months of 2015. It is impossible to check the information on the official figures for a while, because Gazprom ceased to disclose details of its production in the monthly summary of the Central Dispatch Department of the Fuel and Energy Sector, and does it now only in quarterly reports.

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