On the results of 2015, Gazprom is the top three of public oil and gas companies on key financial indicators

On June 29, 2016, Gazprom held a press conference on the theme - "The financial and economic policy of Gazprom", which took place on the eve of the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held today - June 30, 2016. 

At the press conference it was noted that by results of 2015 Gazprom is one of the top three among public oil and gas companies in the world on the key financial figures - EBITDA (1.875 trillion rubles) and net profit (787 billion rubles).

In 2015, the company generated a positive free cash flow the 10th time in a row. By results of 2015, it amounted to 390 billion rubles, which was one of the highest rates among the public oil and gas companies in the world.

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