KazMunaiGas actively supports the "Eurasia" oil project.

JSC OC "KazMunayGas" was actively supporting the implementation of international oil project "Eurasia" and planned to create a joint venture based on it next year, the chief geologist of JSC NC" KazMunayGas "Mukhit Saurambaev announced during the program of the session "The oil and gas cooperation - an important component of development in the region" within the oil and gas conference "Energy security in the Eurasian region: A new mechanism of cooperation." on September 29.

"KMG actively supports the "Eurasia" project, you know that this project consists of 3 stages. The first stage is assembling and processing of existing data, the second - field research, and the third stage - drilling super-deep parameter wells to a depth of 15 km. It is planned to invest more than 1.5 billion dollars into these works", - he stated.

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