Malina’s bonus program operator claims 500 million rubles from Rosneft’s structures

The operator of Malina’s bonus program claims 500 million rubles from Rosneft’s structures. The debt appeared after the purchase of BP-TNK by the state company that used to be the co-owner and one of the main partners of Malina.

In February 2014, Loyalty Partners appealed to Arbitration Court of Moscow with a suit against the operators of the petrol stations network under the BP brand in Moscow and St. Petersburg, PKEK and RN Severnaya Stolitsa.

The CEO of Loyalty Partners Vostok Ltd., S. Borodin says that in their opinion the delays in payments are technical, and the program works. They are negotiating and hope to finish them peacefully in the near future.

Rosneft claims that while the work of the Malina program, BP-TNK’s investment was much higher than those of other participants despite the initially declared parity that arises some questions to the commercial side of the transaction.

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