“Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan” to produce Euro-5 class fuel

​The works on the putting into operation of a unit of pentane – hexane fraction isomerization are over at the Astrakhan GPP. “Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan held the works.

This technological unit at the GPP of Gazprom is the only one. It is meant for the production of high-octane component of gasoline. Its launch will allow to produce the entire assortment of gasoline meeting Euro -5 standards. Moreover, the need in the purchase of methyl –tret –butyl-ether feel by about 5 bln roubles a year.

The reaching the operational mode of the pentane – hexane fraction isomerization unit opens the perspectives of a significant reduction of expenditure for the purchase of expensive fuel additive, significantly increases the quality of saleable gasoline, allows to produce Premium-95 gasoline of Euro-5 class, opens perspectives for the production of Super-98 gasoline of Euro-5 class, allows to increase the fund of gasoline with a high-octane number on average by 34 thousand tons a year.

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