Belarus gets ready for revenue fall following oil prices

In case of oil price on average at $30/barrel, the average annual rate of the Belarus rouble might fall to 22.719/$ with the forecast 18.600/$ and the budget will lose 14% of the planned expenditure, the PM A. Kobyakov said.

The Belarus rouble fell following the Russian rouble that depends on the oil prices.

Gasoline export processed out of the Russian oil shipped on preferential conditions makes up a significant part of the revenue of Belarus. Minsk also depends on the demand and paying ability of the Russian market the stake of which is up to 40% of the Belarus export.

We should be ready for the worsening of the situation, Mr. Kobyakov said.

If everything stays as it is now, the average annual rate of the Belarus rouble will be 22.719.

Belarus planned the budget-2016 based on the average oil price of $50/barrel and the rate of the Russian rouble of 63/$.

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