Bashneft has decided against a tender for a coking unit for the Ufa oil refinery plant

​Bashneft has decided to refuse from a tender on the development of project documentation for the construction of a delayed coking unit at its  processing affiliate Bashneft-UNPZ. The value of the unit was assessed at 20 bln roubles.

The initial price of the agreement for the development of the project was 906.4 mln roubles (VAT included). Initially 7 companies applied for the tender. Bashneft rejected 4 companies. Their applications didn’t meet a number of requirements.

Lukoil-Nizhegorodniinefteproukt, Bashgiproneftechem and Lengiproneftechem were allowed to participate. The results of the tender were planned to be summed up not later than on July 31st, however, the decision has been delayed.

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