First trial lot has been produced at Atyrau oil refinery plant

​The first trial lot of products (reformate – a component of gasoline) has been received in the framework of the start-up and commissioning works at the catalytic reforming unit at the Atyrau oil refinery plant in Kazakhstan, press service of “KMG-processing and marketing” reports.

The catalytic reforming unit with the continuous catalytic regeneration is a technological object of the complex on the production of aroma hydrocarbons being constructed at the plant by the modernization program in the framework of the Government program of forced industrial-innovative development. The operation of the unit aims at the production of high-octane products necessary for the output of fuel and oil chemicals products.

As a result of the tests of products for the contents of octane as of April 7th 2015 the rate of 99.3 points was reached.

This is a result of the work of the plant and our partners by the modernization project. The most effective technologies  worked out by the leading producers of France, Germany and the USA are implemented at the plant, for example, the Octanizing process connected with catalytic reforming, chief engineer of the Atyrau oil refinery plant, D. Kozyrev, said.

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