The Ukraine increased iron ore production

In January – April, the Ukraine increased production of iron ore by 0.4% to 27.772 million tons, iron ore concentrate by 1% to 23.122 million tons, and reduced prepared iron ore yield by 1% to 21.891 million tons, including 13.804 million tons of agglomerate (-5%), and 8.087 million tons of pellets (+7%). In April, they made 7.075 million tons of iron, 5.893 million tons of iron ore concentrate, 5.477 million tons of agglomerate and 1.967 million tons of pellets.

Scrap metal supplies to the Ukrainian metallurgy enterprises reduced by 27% to 1.059 million tons, including 256,000 tons in April.

Hardware yield reduced by 7% to 68,000 tons including 20,200 tons in April .

They reduced production of steel by 8.8% to 10.082 million tons, including 2.565 million tons in April, rolled steel by 8.8% to 8.944 million tons (2.256 million tons), and cast iron by 2.6% to 9.420 million tons (2.372 million tons).

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