Oil producers may be required to sell 95% of petrol in the Russian Federation in 2016.

The RF Ministry of Energy has proposed to oblige oil companies to sell 95% of the produced petrol and 52.5% diesel fuel in the domestic market in 2016; the results of discussions on this proposal with the oil companies must be reported to the government until December 1, as follows from the minutes of meeting held by the Prime Minister Dmitriy Medvedev on October 6.

On October 6 Medvedev held a meeting on the development of oil refining in Russia. At that meeting the RF Minister of Energy Aleksandr Novak announced a proposal to consolidate the obligation to sell not less than 90% of petrol of the oil producers in the Russian Federation in the agreements that were signed by FAS, Rosstandart, Rostekhnadzor and the oil companies in 2011.

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