Belneftechem explained why retail fuel retail prices are up

The company explained why on Jan 13th the retail prices for fuel were raised and why Belneftechem acted in conformity with the law. The deputy chairman of Belneftechem, V. Pavlov, spoke about it.

“The concern Belneftechem is a state organization and acts strictly in conformity with the legislation within the powers given to it by the Government”, Mr. Pavlov said answering the question about the legality of price rise for fuel in respect of the order of the Cabinet of Ministers #1207 as of December 19th 2014 “On some issues of the consumer market” which in fact introduced a ban for the price rise.

He said that the decision on the change of prices for petrol from Jan 13th had been agreed.

V. Pavlov also explained why it was decided to raise the prices for petrol and diesel fuel.

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