Slavneft reduced oil extraction by 4% to 15.5 mln tons in 2015

​In 2015 the company put into operation 229 new wells at the license sites.

The recovery of the resource base exceeded the actual oil extraction by 1.7 times. The active application of modern methods of oil recovery increase allowed to significantly reduce the rates of oil extraction fall.

The volume of APG extraction in 2015 reached 915.7 mln cubic m having exceeded by 5% the rate of 2014. APG utilization rose by 5.2% against 2014 and made up 87.3%.

The volume of oil processing made up 27.6 mln tons, that corresponds to the rate of 2014. Slavneft-Yanos processed 15.3 mln tons in 2015, Mozyr il refinery – 12.3 mln tons of hydrocarbons. Output of car petrol at the plants of Slavneft on the results of 2015 rose by 8.6% to 5.4 mln tons, diesel fuel output made up 8 mln tons having fallen by 3.2% against 2014.

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