Kazakhmys reaches an agreement on the transfer of the three Cuprum Holding production sites.

Kazakhmys informed about the progress of the agreement under the proposed reorganization of the group on the transfer of the Karaganda, Balkhash and Zhezkazgan production sites of the Cuprum Holding mature assets. The agreement is subject to approval from the regulators and shareholders. These assets are included in "Kazakhmys Corporation", which will continue to operate as a private, non-public company, Today.kz reports with reference to the press service.

The Kazakhmys Corporation has 12 mines, four concentrators, two copper smelting plants, two coal mines and three auxiliary power plants.

The public company has four operating mines and three beneficiation plants in the East Kazakhstan region, three projects of growth - Bozshakol, Aktogai and Koksai as well as the Bozymchak mine in Kyrgyzstan.

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