Putin urges to stop using the dollar in the calculations within Russia.

Today at a meeting of the Presidential Commission on Energy the state and prospects of the oil, gas and coal industries were discussed. The head of state demanded the  stopping of the  use of foreign currency in the internal calculations and asked about entry to new energy markets. We could not allow a pause in investment  and should approach tax matters in this field carefully, he added.

"In recent years Russian fuel and energy sector has gained a good pace", - Vladimir Putin stated. Mostly thanks to the the decisons made in previous years, among which are the benefits of the development of fields in East Siberia and the shelf, the stimulation of deep oil refining and the production of high-quality motor fuels. New reserves were discovered, including the Arctic shelf. For example, the Kara oil and gas province.

"Russia is among the world leaders in oil and gas production", - the President stressed. In 2014 it produced 527 million tons of oil - slightly less than Saudi Arabia, and slightly more than the United States. Natural gas production was 578 billion cubic meters.

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